Contact us now for customized solutions to cross-border communication
Who are we

We are a cross-border communication service provider.

What is cross-border communication?

Cross-border communication refers to the promotion of strategies for brand and product development in local markets when an institution (company, government, or international organization) expands its business from the domestic to overseas markets.

What we do

As a practitioner of cross-border communication, we offer in-depth research into our clients' needs for cross-border communication - from multilingual translation to localization of websites and local promotion of brands and products. With our understanding of cross-border communication, we leverage a pool of select professionals to enable integrated communication in cross-border business and perfect communication results.


With our professional skills, strict processes, adherence to standards, and the latest technologies, we have independently developed our multi-business platform based on cloud technology, to enable standard, systematic, and digital project management and business processes and empower our clients’ businesses and brands.

Project Management System(PMS)
Client Needs Digging and Tracking System(CNDTS)
Client Care System (CCS)
LDL Management Information System(LDL MIS)
File Server (FS)
Global Talent Pool of Cross-Border Communications (GTPCC)
LDL Multilingual Parallel Corpora (LDL MPC)
LDL Terms
Our benefits

In terms of cross-border communication, Landelion offers a one-stop solution for clients when they develop their overseas business.
