Why Enterprise-Level Companies Still Rely on Professional Translation Services in the Age of ChatGPT
Release date:2024-07-09

In the era of ChatGPT, why do enterprise-level companies still need to outsource their translation services to professional agencies?

Firstly, when the volume of outsourced translation work is substantial, there is a critical need for consistency and uniformity in terminology and repeated phrases. Ensuring this consistency and conducting thorough editing and proofreading is not something that internal staff can easily manage. This is where professional service companies come in, as they specialize in maintaining this level of quality and uniformity.

Secondly, another reason enterprises continue to outsource translation projects is the challenge of managing quality when dealing with multiple languages simultaneously. Internal staff may be proficient in one or two languages, but ensuring quality across three, five, or even eight languages becomes exceedingly difficult. At this point, relying on external professional service agencies is essential to help check the translation quality, as internal personnel are often unable to ensure that the translations meet the required standards.

Thirdly, enterprises continue to outsource translation projects to professional service agencies due to the technical complexities involved in some translation tasks. These include translations embedded in websites, apps, and non-editable text, which require specialized skills and tools that internal teams may not possess.