Crafting an International Brand Image:More Than Just a VI Manual!
Release date:2024-08-02

For some companies, venturing into international markets feels like riding a wave, propelling them forward in their expansion journey. For others, it feels more like being swept off course by unexpected ripples, ending up stranded without any tangible benefits.


Many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), for instance, find themselves grappling with the same old branding challenges after years of overseas expansion, still operating as mere contract manufacturers, with their brand names unrecognized. Why? The root of the problem often lies in the failure to establish a distinctive brand visual identity. How can visual communication system, which identifies a brand, help establish a sufficiently differentiated international image? Simply creating a visual identity (VI) manual isn’t enough.


1. Understand the importance of international brand visual design

As the initial point of contact with consumers, brand visuals communicate the brand’s core values and personality through colors, shapes, fonts, and other visual elements. A unified yet distinctive brand visual identity is crucial for establishing a consistent global presence.


2. Conduct in-depth research on established brand strategies
Brand image serves as the visual representation of brand strategy and positioning. This requires in-depth research into industry competition, target customers, competitors, differentiation from local brands, established global brand strategies, and directional guidance for brand image. By integrating international market culture and aesthetic trends, we can help you create a design style with a distinct global perspective.


3. Develop a robust global unified brand visual management system

Whether it’s creative designs like mood boards, VI manuals, and official websites, or applied designs such as showroom layouts, advertisements, and brand materials, a comprehensive global brand visual system encompasses the following key strategies:


  • Balanced consistency and diversity: Maintain the brand’s visual consistency globally while making localized adjustments to cater to regional preferences.

  • Cultural sensitivity: Consider cultural differences during the design process to avoid elements that might cause misunderstandings or discomfort.

  • Cross-platform adaptability: Recognize the varying dominant media environments across different markets.

  • Regular updates and maintenance: Refresh your brand visuals periodically to adapt to evolving market trends and consumer expectations, ensuring that your brand image remains novel and relevant.



4. What makes the ideal team?

  • International perspective and aesthetics: A deep understanding of global branding trends, insights, and international artistic sensibilities.

  • Cross-cultural communication skills: Respect and appreciation for diverse cultures to facilitate the localization of brand image.

  • Innovative design capabilities: Balancing uniformity with distinctiveness.

  • Team composition: An international strategy team + local design team + domestic production team working collaboratively for optimal results and budget.



As an experienced cross-border communication service provider, Landelion offers comprehensive brand system construction services for businesses venturing overseas. If you have any needs, please call us at +86 400 097 8816 or email